Changing Lives Starts Here- Come In and See What We Are All About
Changing Lives Starts Here- Come In and See What We Are All About
Signed in as:
Mar 2025
Greetings Fellow Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome to this month’s Americanism as we look forward to the new Elk year it is my continued hope that the new ER will continue to contribute to our Elks Americanism cause.
March Americanism will focus on Women’s history month and those women who have shaped our American Experience. There are so many to choose from but the period that I will focus on is the Persian Gulf War and Afghanistan, which I proudly served with them in the United States Air Force.
We go back in time to January 16, 1991 then President Bush ordered Operation Desert Shield. More than 35,000 women were deployed and several thousand served from the United States. African American women served with distinction during this period with over 40% of the total women deployed serving in critical roles. One such Patriot was Phoebe Jeter.
Lt. Jeter, headed and all male platoon who had the distinction of commanding a patriot missile battery. The Lieutenant ordered 13 patriot missiles fired and successfully destroying two of the Iraqi Scud missiles. She was the first and only women to successfully shoot down a scud missile, what a legacy to leave behind.
Women of all races account for 15% of the total force of the US military and 10% of them served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compared to the gulf war enlisted women in Afghanistan and Iraq dwindled to 17,000 members. This is partly due to women not being allowed to serve in combat positions (Risk of capture). In 1994 the Army changed its position and allowed women to serve in 90% of all job positions.
Two women were held hostage in Iraq, Shosona Johnson (African American) and Jessica Lynch (White) and returned home with serious injuries. US military records, 33 women have been killed since 2001. In addition to the 240 that sustained combat related injuries that left them permanently disabled.
Women have served proudly since the pre colonial days paving the way for today's modern military. Women are a vital part to the success of our military and to the success of our nation.
Special thanks goes out to all of the women who have served our great nation. SALUTE!!!
God Bless you, God Bless our troops.
Thomas Carns
PDDGER—Exalted Ruler